Presbyopia: Glasses On Glasses Off
They say 40 is the new 30 but turning forty means the beginning of changes – eyes are no exception…
Presbyopia – age related farsightedness – Lens dysfunction – the arms are getting too short syndrome – the glasses on glasses off game – can’t read the menu – whatever the description, presbyopia is the gradual loss of the ability to focus for near tasks.
Starting for most from the age of 40 presbyopia results in the need to rely on reading glasses for near tasks such as reading, knitting, sewing, using the computer, mobile phone, shopping and even simple tasks such as reading a menu. For those who have never required or relied on spectacles, the sudden need to wear “reading glasses” may be onerous or inconvenient or worse yet some may become symptomatic suffering from eye strain that can cause migraines or headaches.
Removing the need for reading glasses via Laser Vision Correction (LASIK, PRK) or Clear lens extraction is a definite possibility for those who want to alleviate the need for glasses to perform near tasks.