Other Eye Conditions

At Hunter Street Eye Specialists our specialty is Cataract, Laser Vision Correction, Glaucoma & Refractive Correction.
We do have visiting doctors that can help you with other eye conditions. Please read about some common eyesight conditions here:

Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
AMD is a degenerative disease of the retina in the elderly. Recently, a large overseas study indicated that high doses of anti-oxidant vitamins may slow the progress of this condition.
Download the Amsler Grid Self Testing information here.
You an also find more information on AMD here.

Floaters (Short/Near-Sightedness)
Floaters are quite common and often harmless, though sometimes they can be a sign of a problem with the retina at the back of the eye. Floaters can look like little bugs, stars, threads, or cobwebs. They move when you try to look at them and are most noticeable in bright light.
Download self testing information on it here and here.

Blepharitis refers to the inflammation of the inner eyelid or the edge of the eyelid due to excessive lid oils which accumulate on the lid edge and become inflamed.
Download more information on it here.

Dry eye
Persistent grittiness, irritated or watery eyes can indicate dry eye syndrome. Some may feel like their eyes tire easily or that ongoing sensation of something in their eye like sand or grit.
Download more information on it here.

Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetes can affect different organs and that includes the eyes. Diabetes can affect different areas or parts of the eye more commonly the retina and conditions can be sight threatening.
Download more information about it here.

A pterygium is a painless, clear skin like abnormal growth on the conjunctiva (thin clear membrane covering white of eye) that can grow towards and even on the cornea.
Download more information on it here.

Retinal Tear, Hole and Detachment
The retina is a thin, light sensitive layer that lines the inner wall at the back of the eye.
Download more information on it here.

Posterior Vitreous Detachment
Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is when the gel that fills the eyeball contracts with age.
Download more information on it here.

Cystoid Macular Oedema
Occasionally, the macula can become swollen with fluid, a condition known as oedema. In the case of the macula, this fluid often forms cyst-like patterns, leading to a condition referred to as cystoid macular oedema.
Download more information on it here.

A chalazion is a small lump in the eyelid. It is similar to a stye, which is an infection of the edge of the eyelid caused by bacteria. However, a chalazion is away from the edge and is usually not caused by bacteria.
Download more information on it here.

Posterior Capsular Opacity
The posterior capsule is the fine transparent membrane behind your natural lens, which we leave in the eye to support the artificial lens implant when you have a cataract operation.
Download more information on it here.