Vision Correction
Vision correction can be attained by wearing visual hardware such as contact lenses and glasses but for those who prefer a more permanent solution surgical intervention may be the key.
Reshaping the cornea with a laser via laser vision correction can correct long-sightedness (hyperopia), short-sightedness (myopia), astigmatism or a combination of these conditions. Changing the shape of the Cornea, changes the focussing power of the eye hence reducing the need to rely on visual hardware to see clearly.
Lens exchange is another alternative for those who are not suitable for corneal procedures. By replacing the natural crystalline lens with an intraocular lens, vision can be improved without the need for spectacle or contact lens correction.
Hunter Street Eye Specialists stay ahead of the technology curve to provide those interested in vision correction the latest in diagnostic and therapeutic technology, hand in hand with experienced surgeons, Dr Lim and Dr Sumich can help patients seeking a more permanent solution to vision correction and help reduce their reliance on visual hardware.